(In GPST) China-Barbados TVET Standards and Curriculum Co-development Seminar
Release time:2024-07-18

On June 30, 2024, representatives from the Barbados TVET Council, WorldSkills Barbados, Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology, Barbados Community College, and Barbados Vocational Training Board, along with Vcom Education Technology Co., Ltd. CEO Cathy Wang, visited the Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology.

Principal Zeng Wenquan of Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology first gave a speech introducing the school. He stated that the school was established in 1985 and has achieved significant educational results in recent years through the implementation of the Double High program. This program aims to enhance the teaching quality and research level of the school, making it an important base for high-level vocational education and high-skilled talent cultivation.

Following this, Henderson Eastmond, Executive Director of the Barbados TVET Council, spoke. He emphasized that after achieving independence, Barbados urgently needs to improve its economic level through technologies such as manufacturing, to radiate to the entire Caribbean region. Therefore, Barbados is very eager to deepen cooperation with China, especially in vocational education, educational concepts, and teacher training.

Henderson also proposed specific cooperation methods. He suggested combining online and offline models to carry out vocational education cooperation and teacher training. Additionally, both sides can send teachers and students to each other’s institutions for training and exchange, to improve teacher levels and student skills, and radiate to the Caribbean region. The cooperation channels can include the Optoelectronics International Teaching Standards and Curriculum C0-development Alliance and the Global Training Center, etc.. He also mentioned that both sides will be committed to standard output, teacher training at each other’s schools, student exchanges at international institutions, and mutual recognition of academic qualifications.

During the meeting, Henderson mentioned that the Chinese government plans to replace all public transportation in Barbados with new energy vehicles by 2030. The realization of this plan will greatly promote the rapid economic and technological development of Barbados, and this process cannot be achieved without the support of technology and global industry partners.

Also, the principals of various vocational institutions in Barbados expressed their hope to cooperate with GPST in education, jointly cultivate vocational and technical talents, and promote the common development of vocational education in both countries.

Cathy Wang, CEO of Vcom

Subsequently, all parties signed the memorandums of understanding, looking forward to further cooperation in the future.

After the meeting, the representatives visited the training base and other facilities of college. During the visit, the representatives noticed that many of the training equipment at the school was provided by Vcom Education, including Information Network Cabling Training Workstation. These advanced devices greatly enhance the practical training experience and skill development of the students.

Furthermore, the representatives gained deeper insights into the talent cultivation model and practical skills education system at GPST. The school adopts a “theory and practice combined” teaching approach, where hands-on operations and experiments help students master professional skills and knowledge. This educational model not only improves students’ practical abilities and professional competence but also lays a solid foundation for their future career development.

At the end of this visit, the representatives highly praised educational model and training equipment of GPST, noting that such advanced teaching methods and facilities are of great significance in improving the quality of vocational education and cultivating high-quality technical talents. Again, they expressed their desire for further cooperation with the GPST and Vcom Education.

This visit had a profound impact on both the Barbados TVET Council and the Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology.

Firstly, the visit facilitated exchanges and cooperation in the field of vocational education between the two countries. The parties conducted in-depth discussions on educational concepts, teaching models, and teacher training, and signed a memorandum of understanding, laying the foundation for future cooperation. This collaboration will help improve the overall level of vocational education in both countries and cultivate more high-quality technical talents.

Additionally, the Barbados delegation gained a deeper understanding of training equipment and educational model of GPST. They were particularly impressed by the advanced equipment provided by Vcom Education, which showcased the advantages of GPST in practical training. This will inspire Barbados vocational institutions to enhance their training facilities and teaching standards, thereby promoting the development of vocational education in their own country.

In conclusion, this visit not only deepened exchanges and cooperation in vocational education between the two countries but also opened up broad prospects for future collaboration in various fields. Representatives from both sides expressed their anticipation for more collaborative projects in the future to jointly promote the progress and development of TVET in both countries.